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Icelandic Film Corporation
Born on May 12, 1953 in Reykjavik, Iceland, Fridrik Thor Fridriksson started his filmmaking career with experimental films and documentaries in the early 1980s. His Icelandic Film Corporation has become country's most important production company. Fridriksson's feature “Children of Nature” (1991) was nominated for an Oscar as Best Foreign Language Film and it took the Grand Prize at the 4th Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival (Japan) in February 1993. IFC owns Cinema Sound, a sound post-production company. IFC works with Lars von Trier's film company Zentropa and Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope. . . . . Icelandic Film Corporation - Tel: +354 551 2260, fax: +354 552 5154 . . . . Filmography Production Beowulf & Grendel (2005) The Wager (2004) Kaldaljós (2004) One Point O (2004) Omfavn Mig Mĺne (2002) Fálkar (Falcons) (2002) Skrímsli (No Such Thing - Monster) (2001) Regína (Regina) (2001) Óskabörn Ţóđarinnar (Plan B) (2000) Englar Alheimsins (Angels of the Universe) (2000) Myrkrahöfđinginn (Witchcraft) (2000) Íkingut (Ikingut) (2000) Myrkradansarinn (Dancer in the Dark) (2000) Stikkfrí (Count Me Out) (1999) Fíaskó (Fiasco) (1999) Blossi 810551 (Blossi 810551) (1998) Aulabárđur (Sweety Barrett) (1998) María (Maria) (1997) Perlur og Svín (Pearls and Swine) (1997) Brimbrot (Breaking the Waves) (1996) Djöflaeyjan (Devils Island) (1996) Benjamín Dúfa (Benjamin Dove) (1995) Á Köldum Klaka (Cold Fever) (1995) Einkalíf (Private Lives) (1995) Tár úr Steini (Tears of Stone) (1995) Bíódagar (Movie Days) (1994) Stuttur Frakki (Behind Schedule) (1993) Svo á Jörđu Sem á Himni (As in Heaven) (1992) Veggfóđur (Wallpaper) (1992) Börn Náttúrunnar (Children of Nature) (1991) Pappírs Pési (The Adventures of Paper Peter) (1990) Magnús (Magnus) (1989) Skytturnar (White Whales) (1987) Löggulíf (A Policeman's Life) (1985) Skammdegi (Deep Winter) (1985) Dalalíf (Pastoral Life) (1984) Nýtt Líf (New Life) (1983) Á Hjara Veraldar (Rainbow's End) (1983) Jón Oddur og Jón Bjarni (The Twins) (1981) Distribution What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004) / 2005, Iceland, all media Óskabörn Ţjóđarinnar (2000) Dancer in the Dark (2000) / 2000, Iceland, theatrical Englar Alheimsins (2000) / Iceland Breaking the Waves (1996) / 1996, Iceland, all media La Vie Sexuelle des Belges 1950-1978 (1994) / Iceland, theatrical Kúrekar Norđursins (1984) Rokk í Reykjavík (1982) Brennu-njálssaga (1980) © Preems.com |
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