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Code Entertainment
The company finances, develops and produces theatrical feature films and through its Code Management division manages writers, directors, novelists, and entertainment related estates. The company's partners are Bart Rosenblatt, Larry Kennar, Rick Berg, Al Corley, Rich Freeman, and Eugene Musso. Jonathan Dana serves as marketing and sales representative for the company's feature films. “We've always wanted to make quality pictures that tell the stories we're interested in, while retaining control in that process,” Rosenblatt said. Backed by a group of equity partners, Code produces two to three projects each year in the $3m-$5m range. . . . . Code Entertainment, Inc. - 9229 Sunset Blvd, Suite 615, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Tel: (310) 772-0008, fax: (310) 772-0006, email: contact@codeentertainment.com . . . . Filmography Production Spring Breakdown (2009) (V) The Boy in the Box (2008) You Kill Me (2007) Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) The Gravedancers (2006) Edmond (2005) Bigger Than the Sky (2005) Cowboy Up (2001) Drowning Mona (2000) © Preems.com |
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