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Thura Film
Michael Obel has produced “A Song for Martin” (2001), “My Sisters Kids” (2001), “Old Men in New Cars” (2002), “On Our Own,” the TV series “Charlot og Charlotte,” “The Serbian Dane,” and “The Christmas Testamente,” as well as the award winning psychological thriller “Nightwatch” (1997) with Ewan McGregor, Nick Nolte and Patricia Arquette. Thura Film works with many talented directors including Tomas Villum Jensen, Ole Bornedal, Bille August, Nikolaj Cederholm, Martin Strange Hansen and Anders Thomas Jensen. Thura Film has offices in Copenhagen, Denmark, and London, UK, to develop and maintain its international relations and projects. Thura Film distributes movies through its distribution company, All Right Film, as well as All Right Cinemas, which owns cineplex in Elsinore, Denmark, and co-owns CinemaxX Denmark. In addition, Thura Film - together with Lars Kolvig - co-owns Moonlight Film Production, a Scandinavian motion picture production company that produced Bille August's success “A Song for Martin” and “My Sisters Kids.” Thura Film A/S - Indiakaj 12, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. Tel: +45 35 44 11 11, fax: +45 35 43 40 15, email: thura@thura.com © Preems.com |
Thura Film filmography Production Fri Os Fra Det Onde (2009) Kærlighed på Film (2007) Uden for Kærligheden (2007) Vikaren (2007) Against the Race (2006) (TV) Skyggen Af Tvivl (2006) Forestillingen Om Et Ukompliceret Liv Med En Mand (2006) Solkongen (2005) Vet Hard (2005) Silkevejen (2004) Hjerteafdelingen (2002) Gamle Mænd i Nye Biler (2002) Den Serbiske Dansker (2001) (TV) Ørkenens Juvel (2001) Dykkerne (2000) Bag om 'Dykkerne' (2000) (TV) Under Overfladen (1999) Når Mor Kommer Hjem (1998) Inger Christensen - Cikaderne Findes (1998) Gufol Mysteriet (1997) NatMadsen (1997) Charlot og Charlotte (1996) Juletestamentet (1995) Farligt Venskab (1995) Nattevagten (1994) Musik & Fis (1994) (V) Valle & Volmer (1994) Hvordan Vi Fik Vores Naboer (1993) Planetens Spejle (1992) Belladonna (1981) Achilleshlen Er Mit Våben (1979) Various services Paragraf 15 (2007) / funding In Transit (2005) / funding Solkongen (2005) / editing facilities Frunk (2003) / financing Mellem Os (2003) / thanks Ulykken (2003) / financing Pagten (2003) / supported by Min Søsters Børn i Sneen (2002) / editing equipment Distribution Et Andet Sted (2006) / 2006 | Denmark | theatrical
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